Museum of things that could be considered slightly absurd
We all perceive reality differently.
Two people are told that Bob went to the beach to play fetch with his dog. This scene will invoke different connotations, thoughts and feelings within each person creating different images in their minds. The beach, the breed of dog, what Bob looks like, each detail will be pictured differently. What will also be different is their personal depiction of the scene in contrast with reality. For example, person 1 may have pictured their own dog and person 2 a Golden Retriever when in reality Bob has a Jack Russel.
There is a gap between what they pictured (perception) and reality. If this gap between perception and reality is not questioned, then only a limited view of reality can be achieved. If the gap is not questioned you can fall into the trap of believing you have full access to reality, and if you have full access to reality then everyone who disagrees with you must not. This is where conflict may arise, a miscommunication of personal perception. One way to bridge this gap is via language, actually communicating with each other, to find and eliminate the gaps between our own perceptions, other people's perceptions and reality. Before this however, we must first challenge ourselves and realise we do not have full access to reality and never will. To do this you must be absurd, think illogically. If person 1 had not pictured their own dog but had in fact pictured Bob playing fetch with a bin bag, then this may have reminded them that their perceptions are just perceptions and that they cannot access the reality without further investigation.
This is the aim of the slightly absurd work and objects in this museum, to remind people that reality is a shared hallucination at best and to find common ground we must challenge our own believes. Just because you know something to be true doesn’t make it true. You may believe something to be true for years only to find out you’ve been wrong the whole time. If you are not open to the possibility that your specific perception of that part of reality may not be accurate then you will have a much harder time accepting the truth.
For example, a chair is a chair and nothing more until you realise that it is only a few (often cylindrical) straight bits that are attached to at least two sort of flat bits. So, it isn't a chair at all because it is just some materials arranged in a certain way. And even then, the word ‘chair’ is a noun, and a noun is used to describe things with similar properties situated within perceivable space. So ‘chair’ is a of concept relating to certain materials arranged in a specific way to make the shape we recognise as ‘chair’. And none of that even exists because words are just strange sounds that people can make which are arranged in a way to try to make sense of reality. Therefore, reality cannot exist because reality is just a word, a concept. It is not a physical thing. Reality only exists because we have named it, because we perceive it. A chair is only a chair because we have named it chair, otherwise we would not pay any attention to it, we would just sit on it without needing to put it in the category of ‘chair’.
God gave Adam the task of naming all the animals. The animals did not exist in a meaningful way until they were named. This is people coming into consciousness, once we can name something it becomes its own individual object in our minds rather than just prey predator or bystander. Before it has a name, it is just part of the background. Consciousness is human beings becoming aware of the space we inhabit; objects have individual properties and are categorised as such. For example, a cow does not see human beings as individuals, we are just part of the background in the cow's life. We can form a bond with a cow but not as human and cow but just as two creatures, the cow has no real concept of species, only what to eat, what is an immediate threat and how to procreate. Basic biological drives. The cow is not conscious. Humans are that’s the point. Perceiving of reality is human beings constant fight with the fact we are consciousness, it is a mechanism so we can figure certain things out, so we respond in a way that ensures survival.
So be absurd, be illogical. Remind yourself we are all just figments of each other's hallucination, don’t fall into the trap of believing you have full access to reality because it’s not real. Talk to people, try and bridge the gap between your perception and theirs. Usually, people aren't out to cause you pain, they just have perceived things differently to you. Also enjoy the work.